Sewer Scope Inspections

Sewer Scope Inspection:

Steady Home Inspection offers many independent and unbiased inspection services. One of which is video inspections of a home’s sewer line also known as a sewer scope inspection. Understanding the condition of the underground sewer drain line and knowing the extent and location of a particular problem will be a key part of your decision in purchasing a home.

Many people under estimate the importance of having a sewer scope done as part of your home inspection. Don’t be that guy! For instance, in most municipalities, homeowners are responsible for any problems in the sewer line that are on their property out to the main line in the street. Fact of the matter, repairs can be messy and costly. Call Today!

Common Sewer Scope Defects:

  • Low Areas: also known as a ‘belly’. These low areas can collect water and solid waste, therefore, causing poor flow through the pipe and can lead to back-up and damage to the pipe as it sags further.
  • Tree Roots: small gaps in sections of piping can allow tree roots to enter the sewer line. Therefore, as the roots grow, the pipe can break and crack, requiring repair. Minor tree root intrusion can be rooted and cleared on a regular basis, with minimal or no significant pipe damage. Assessing the amount of root intrusion is part of a sewer scope inspection.
  • Offsets: on some older piping, sections in the piping can separate, causing an offset in the piping to occur. Solid waste may not clear this offset, and waste water will seep into the surrounding soil, causing further settlement and eventual breakdown of the piping.
  • Pipe Collapse: if extreme root intrusion has occurred or significant soil settlement has occurred around the area due to offsets or a low area, complete pipe collapse can occur, requiring full excavation and repair of the sewer line. While rare, this condition can be assessed as part of a sewer scope inspection.
  • Debris: Occasionally construction debris or other items can become lodged in the sewer line, which will eventually prevent the flow of waste through the pipe.
common sewer defects
sewer scope equipment

State-of-the-art Equipment

  • We utilize state-of-the-art digital equipment and software, which will identify and show you specifically what kind of problem, if any, is encountered, and, if requested, where it is located on the property.
  • A full digital report will be provided to you on the same day that services are performed. A video upload of the sewer line is provided when significant repair concerns are noted requiring excavation.
sewer scope locator

Locate Services:

  • We are also able to determine where a sewer line defect is located in the yard or street, and can mark it for you if needed for excavation and repair.

Sewer Scope Pricing

Sewer Scope Inspection

$ 195
  • *When performed with a Home Inspection – Sewer Scope Only pricing $250.

Schedule a Sewer Scope Inspection Today!

Have a scope done independently or bundle it with our full home inspection for a discount.

schedule sewer scope inspection